Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Apostle of the Alleghenies

Christian and I just came home from an amazing weekend camping (well...cabining) at Prince Gallitzin State Park on Glendale Lake. Silas visited GramMommy and Pops for the weekend, our cabin was right next to the Lake, the shower was hot and the bed was plastic...it was perfect. The weather was hideous (snow in APRIL?! c'mon!), but this worked to our advantage. It gave us a great excuse to forgo outdoorsy-type-stuff and do some marital reconnecting over movies on the laptop, frozen dinners, and self-indulgent reading. OK, so I guess that last part was pretty solitary, but it was still shamelessly enjoyable to read a celebrity gossip magazine instead of a sleep training book for a change. Sorry we missed you, Mother Nature. Maybe next time.

Some of our weekend highlights include:
1) Off-roading in the minivan to visit an old backwoods cemetery.
2) Denny's Beer Barrel Pub. Insane idea, decent food. Christian claimed he "wasn't hungry enough" to do the 2-pound challenge. Instead, he ordered a cheeseburger, 10 wings with celery and bleu cheese, 2 breadsticks, and fries. Huh.
3) Historica Plus. 32,000 square feet of antiques in the old Leitzinger Department Store. Four stories. Kind of surreal and creepy. And totally Christian's idea.
4) Catching up with my coworker friends at a birthday party. I perfected Guitar Hero drumming and voluntarily stayed up until 4am for the first time since Vegas. Thank you, all, for easing my apprehension of returning to work.
5) A date night with the hubs to see Date Night. Funny movie and some inspiration for people watching the next time we eat out (if you've seen it, you know what I mean).

It was fantastic.

But not quite as fantastic as unpacking and reestablishing ourselves in our home. And I especially didn't mind getting up twice last night to rock and feed Silas. It's true. As nice as it was to get away for a few days, it made our coming home and routines even more magnificent and appreciated.

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