Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lead Foot

Blogging is hard, and this has given me a lot of respect for those who maintain blogs for a livelihood. Heather Armstrong, I may have rolled my eyes at your recent rant aimed toward those who just didn't understand the pressure to publish, but now...well...I see how hard it is to have a life interesting enough that others want to know about it. Or to be able to describe your life with enough gusto that it at least seems interesting. And if your life actually is interesting and eventful, there's not a lot of free time to write about it. Quite a quandary, this blogging gig is.

This past weekend, we made the maiden voyage with baby to visit Christian's family in Pittsburgh. On the way home, in my anticipation of returning to our own home and predictable, disinteresting routine, I was pulled over for speeding. Again.

"Ergh. Why does this always happen to me?!" I wailed to Christian, tears streaming down my face from the frustration that my efforts to get home even faster were just annulled.

"Um," he replied, "because you speed. A lot." True enough, I suppose. "BUT!" He added. "At least you'll have something to write about in your blog!"

So this is what my blogging experience has become...turning a ticket for my "failure to obey traffic signs" (cough, cough) into a blog-worthy moment. If that's the case, I'm not sure how much longer I can afford to maintain this....!

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